Net zero? Let’s talk about carbon free energy!
At ENTRNCE, we’re on a mission to help local authorities shift to a decarbonised energy system. Our Matcher is a powerful data platform which gives you a clear picture of your region’s clean energy “score” – and how you can move away from fossil fuels for good.
Whether you’re focusing on heavy industrial areas or residential zones, the Matcher helps you understand where your energy is coming from – and what you need to do to plug the gaps in clean energy supply. If you’re considering investments in onsite generation, battery storage or CPPAs, ENTRNCE’s Matcher can model different scenarios, and show how each investment meets your region’s energy needs.
The 24/7 carbon free energy revolution is coming, and we’re helping local authorities lead the way. To find out how, join ENTRNCE UK & Ireland manager Jaron Reddy for ‘Net zero? Let’s talk about carbon free energy’ just after lunch, on the main stage. Or visit our stand, #a9.